You work so hard in the gym trying to achieve that lean look but what if your diet is sabotaging your progress? Let’s take a look at 7 must have foods to help you achieve a lean body.

1. Salmon

High in protein and healthy fats, salmon is an excellent protein to help you build lean body mass as well as keep you satisfied during your meals.

2. Eggs

Another great protein source to add to support muscle growth is the often under-rated egg. Low in calorie but nutrient dense, eggs are not only an easy addition to any meal or snack but they are also budget friendly!  Choose organic eggs that came from cage free chickens!

3. Non-Dairy Yogurt

Versatile, portable and cost-effective, non-dairy yogurt is yet another great protein source that you should add to your fitness routine if you haven’t already. Throw in some berries or slivered almonds on top and you have the perfect pre or post workout snack to fuel or recover.

4. Avocado

Put it on toast, put it in a salad, make a dressing out of it- avocado is popular for a reason! It’s delicious but also an excellent source of heart healthy fats which provide our body with energy along with carbohydrates. They also keep you feeling full and less inclined to snack during the day.

5. Sprouted Whole Grains

Sprouted whole grains not only provide you with the fuel you need to crush your workouts but they also provide a good source of fiber which keeps your feeling full longer. Combine a whole grain with a good protein source, such as those mentioned above, for your meals or snacks to get the most out of your workouts. Wraps, bagels, toast are all on this list, yall!

6. Nuts & seeds

Having a variety of nuts and seeds sprinkled into your daily routine can provide a myriad of benefits. As another great source of healthy fats as well as antioxidants, nuts are a filling and delicious addition to your day to keep you focused and craving free.

7. Cruciferous vegetables

Last, but likely expected, are your veggies, specifically cruciferous ones such as kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts. These powerhouse plants are packed with fiber and provide essential nutrients to help your body work more efficiently.

Girl, we do this as an act of love for our bodies–no punishment, guilt or self-hate here…we are slayin’, high fiven’, and dreamin’ till we make it happen!

