Hey, girl, hey!

There’s a reason meal prepping has gained so much popularity in the last few years, it makes our lives so much easier! Planning and preparing meals ahead of time can not only increase the chances that you are choosing healthier foods that won’t sabotage your results, but can actually save you time during your week and money at the grocery store.

When you think of meal prepping, it’s usually a piece of bland chicken breast, some broccoli and maybe some brown rice; boring. Meal prepping does not mean you need to choose bland foods or eat the same things every day. In fact I don’t recommend that at all because your body needs variety! Check out some of my favorite super easy meal prep tips below:

Make it simple

If short on time during the week, purchase simple snacks to keep you on track. Some of my personal faves are:

  • Carrot sticks with hummus
  • All Natural Popcorn (preferably dairy free)
  • Paleo Bars (from Costco)
  • Stress RX Bars (order online)
  • Energy Balls (homemade and we made them here on IG…so delish!)
  • Almonds (lightly salted or unsalted and you can add pink himalayan salt yourself)
  • Celery sticks with almond butter
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Whole fruit or Sliced fruit in baggies (makes it so easy to grab and go)

Use Super-Easy Containers

We love Mason Jars for overnight oats, Tumblers for drinks, Tupperware with sectionals for meals and Ziplock bags for snack stashes.  Believe it or not, using the right containers make meal prep so much easier!  Get into the routine of throwing everything in a super cute lunch tote the night before and it makes excuses disappear.

Blend it and Freeze it

Enjoy a nutrient packed smoothie with ease. Simply make them before bed and store in refrigerator for a quick grab and go breakfast option. Add some plain non-dairy yogurt, flaxseeds, or even nut butter to make it more filling without the added sugar.

    • Top Tip– make multiple smoothies at a time and store in the freezer, place in fridge the night before and it will be thawed for the morning or turn them into popsicles!

Cook for 2-3 days at a time

Make freezer meals so once you get home from work or school, you literally have to warm it up and it’s ready to go. Make some of your favorite dinners in bulk and freeze the leftovers to grab for when you want a change. Make 2-3 days worth of food during the weekend (it takes just about the same amount of time as cooking single meals), and then repeat with new meals mid-week.

Simple foods give the best results, don’t complicate it girl! ☀️ Consistent habits behind the scenes create consistent results in public! Which tip is your favorite? Post below.

