Our Top Tips for the Holidays

Summer is in the air, which means more time for outdoor gatherings, hanging out pool side and best of all, barbecues! If you are working hard on sticking with a fitness and food regimen, the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, a.k.a summer kickoff, may be more anxiety inducing than it used to be. Let’s take a look at some of our top tips for enjoying the holidays without worrying about sabotaging our results.

  Avoid Going to a Gathering Hungry

When hunger strikes, we are more likely to over-indulge. Make it easy for yourself and be sure to have a snack before you leave the house to avoid over-doing it on those all-too-tempting appetizers. Avoid restricting food in preparation for an event. Our chances of overeating, despite the planned calorie deficit, will skyrocket with this method, often leaving you feeling unwell both physically and mentally.

Have Control of The Menu

If you enjoy getting together with friends often but fear overdoing it, take a turn being the host. This allows you more control over what foods are available which means you can swap out ingredients, pop it in the air fryer, or have your own private stash.  You can also volunteer to bring an item that will provide you with a lighter option to include with your meal.

Choose Moderation

That’s right. There’s no reason you can’t enjoy the simple pleasures of a backyard barbecue or other summer gathering and still maintain a healthy diet. If you cannot live without those homemade French fries, plan to have a small serving and nix the soda or alcoholic drinks for water.

It’s Just One Day!

Remember, having a piece of pie or an extra serving of macaroni salad will not undo all the hard work you’ve done (unless it continues to spiral downward). Enjoy the day by creating happiness from the experience (aside from the food) and learn to simply walk away if you feel like you’re on the edge of over-indulging.

Literally “out of sight, out of mind” works and like our girl Taylor said “It’s a mental game – but you have to remember to say yes to yourself first! 🌸 The fried chicken sandwich…the ramen…the pint of ice cream…all of that isn’t worth it if it’s in the way of your goals. You’re allowed to come first, and you’ll feel better when you look back and see how far all those yeses have gotten you.”

You got this girl (and the next holiday too)!  Saluting all of our soldiers who have fought for our freedom. Happy Memorial Day! xo, Brook